
We fight, we strive, and we live. We laugh, we cry, and we give. We live with everything we have and stamp our essence into every second with every breath. We yearn to leave our mark on the endless expanse. Our goals, our aspirations, our beliefs, and our values—we want them to resonate and carry weight, to leave an impact.

We want to forge our own path, free from the yoke that is others opinions. Free from the restraints of society. Well, maybe you don’t, but whatever it is that you do want, make sure that it’s you.

When it’s all said and done, when the book that you author is coming to a close, when the ink of your trials, tribulations, and triumphs is left to dry; the happiness, sorrow, and memories, when the ink dries, the only person who can answer this question is you. Was it worth it? Your handwriting and pen are yours alone. Write a story you’ll be proud of.